Perten Glutomatic® 2000 System


Glutomatic 2000 Dual chamber system
Large touch screen for operator communication. Automatic result calculation and storage. Communication ports for Centrifuge 2010, balance and for connection with LIMS system/PC.

Centrifuge 2010
Regulated, high speed centrifuge with locking safety lid. Connectable to the GM 2000 instrument. Two test cassettes for Gluten Index determination are included.

Glutork 2020
Dries gluten completely under standardized, repeatable conditions. Switch between 4 or 5 minutes in accordance with selected standard used.

The World Standard Gluten Test
Gluten Content and Gluten Index

AACC/No. 38-12.02

ICC/No. 155 and 158

IRAM 15864

Wet Gluten Content

ICC/No. 137/1

Wet and Dry Gluten Content

ISO 21415-2 and -4

GBT 5506.2 and .4

CCAT Method 13

Products : Wheat meal, wheat flour, durum meal,

semolina, durum flour and vital wheat gluten

Parameters : Wet Gluten Content, Gluten Index, Dry Gluten

Content and Gluten Water Binding

GM 2000 touch screen : 7 inches, capacitive

Interface : 3 x USB type A, 1 x USB type B, 1 x micro USB

type AB (service only). 1 x ethernet connection